I have a big problem. Please, compile this source and look at the resulting pdf file:
\version "2.8.0" \include "italiano.ly" \header { title = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER") \override #'(font-size . 10) { "Имаше человек"} } subtitle = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER") { "( Imashe chelovek )" } } subsubtitle = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER") { \huge "There was a man... Il y avait un homme... " } } composer = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER") {"музика: Петър Дънов"}} arranger = \markup { \override #'(font-name . "FLOWER") {"лирика: Петър Дънов"}} tagline=" " } melody = \relative do'' { \clef treble \key do \minor \time 6/4 sol2^"Adagio"\( (sol8) \times 2/3 { fad16 sol lab } sol8 \) fad sol2 \time 8/4 fa4 mib re8[ do mib re] do4 \times 2/3 { si8( do re) } do2\tenuto \time 8/4 sol'8 sol do4\tenuto \( mib re do \) \times 2/3 { si 8(do) re } do2 \time 12/4 sib4 lab sol4. sol8 do4 sib lab lab lab8[ lab sib do] sol2 \time 10/4 lab4 sib do2 re4 do sib do sol2 \time 12/4 fa sol8(lab) sib4 do sib lab sol fa mib re2 \time 8/4 re4(mib) fa sol sib8[ lab lab sib] sol2 \time 11/4 sol4 do8 re mib4 re do sib lab lab8[ lab sib do] sol2\fermata \break \time 14/4 sib2 lab4 sol fa mib re mib fa sol lab( sib) sol2 \time 16/4 do2 sib4 lab sol fa mib re mib fa sol lab sib do sol2 \break \time 9/4 sol4 mib'2 re4 do \times 2/3 {si8( do re) } do2. \time 11/4 mib,8. fa16 sol2 sol4 lab fa fa fa mib8. fa16 sol2 \break \time 6/4 sol4 do sib lab8. sib16 sol2 \time 10/4 sol4 mib'8. mib16 re4 do sib lab8 sol fa2 mib2 \break \time 9/4 mib2 re4 do si do8. do16 re4 do2 \time 11/4 mib8. mib16 fa4 sol lab sol fad sol8. sol16 lab4 sol2. \time 14/4 sol4 do2 si4 lab sol fa mib re mib re do \times 2/3 { si8( do re) } do2 \bar "" \break \time 8/4 mib4 mib2 do4 re mib do2 \time 8/4 fa4 lab sol fad sol lab sol2 \time 8/4 sol4 do si do re mib do2 \time 10/4 sol8 sol sib4 ( lab) sol fa mib re ( mib ) do2 \bar "|." } textbg = \lyricmode { } texten = \lyricmode { } \paper { between-system-space = 1\mm after-title-space = 1\mm } \score{ << \new Voice = "one" { \melody } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \textbg \new Lyrics \lyricsto "one" \texten >> \layout { \context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner #'spacing-increment = #2 } \context { \Lyrics \override LyricText #'font-size = #-1 \override LyricText #'font-name = #"FLOWER" } \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" } } \midi { \tempo 4=60 } } The trouble are the last two lines. Look at the line just before the last, there the bar isnt't closing the line. And on the last line, there is one extra bar that isn't needed at all. Please excuse me for my english. I know that \bar "" \break is causing the problem, but there isn't any other way to cause a linebreak exacly at this place. If i don't use the invisible bar, that actually is getting very visible... , i got all the content from the last two-tree lines in one line, witch results in "too many notes" as somebody told to Mozart once... So, please help!
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