Hi all, I'm very frustrated because I still can't get proper alignment of my multi-line instrument names. I wrote a lengthy message to this list, including example bitmaps of the output, but nobody responded. (see http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2006-03/msg00302.html)
Now, several versions later, and after a careful review of the relevant sections of the manual, I still don't see the error in my code. But it has to be my error, because if this was the intended output, someone using multi-line instrument names would have complained... Below is my source text, I'd be grateful for any hints. Regards, Robert ------------------------------------------------------------ \version "2.9.6" \include "deutsch.ly" #(set-global-staff-size 18) \paper { #(set-paper-size "a4") left-margin = 2\cm indent = 2\cm line-width = 17\cm after-title-space = 1.5\cm bottom-margin = 1.5\cm % foot-separation = 1\cm ragged-last-bottom = ##f } bmolle = ^\markup{\tiny\flat} bdurum = ^\markup{\tiny\natural} ficta = ^\markup{\tiny\sharp} \header { title = \markup {Missa Fors Seulement} subtitle = \markup{\italic Kyrie} % subsubtitle = "and the sub sub title" % poet = "" composer = "Johannes Ockeghem (1420--1497)" % texttranslator = "Text Translator" % meter = "Reduktion 2:1" % arranger = "Arranger" % instrument = "Instrument" % piece = "Kyrie" tagline = "Typeset in 2005 by R. Memering using GNU LilyPond --- Non-commercial copying and distribution welcome." } global = \relative { \override StaffGroup.SpanBar #'transparent = ##t \key a \minor \time 4/4 \set Score.skipBars = ##t \override NoteHead #'style = #'baroque \override Score.BarNumber #'break-visibility = #end-of-line-invisible \set Score.barNumberVisibility = #(every-nth-bar-number-visible 5) \override Score.BarNumber #'stencil = #(make-stencil-boxer 0.1 0.25 ly:text-interface::print) \override Score.BarNumber #'font-size = #1 \override Score.BarNumber #'extra-offset = #'(1 . 1) } superius = \relative c'' { \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \center-align { "Superius " "(Alto)" } } \clef "violin" R1 | a1~ | a2 a | a2.( g8 f | e1) g | f2.( e8 d | f2 e2~ | e4 d d2 ~ | d c\ficta) d2 r4 d | e( f e f~ | f8 d c4 a h) | a2 r4 a' | g( e2 f4 g4 d e2 | f4 g2 e4 | d e4. d8 h4) | a2 r | a2( d4 h) c d r c | d( f2 e4 | d f e a ~ | a8 g g f a2 | d, a'~ a4 f g2~ | g4 f d2 | c4. d8 e4 f) | e1 \once \override StaffGroup.SpanBar #'transparent = ##f \bar "||" % 30 Christe a2( g4) a~( | a g8 f e2 | d) r | R1 R1 | f2 g4( a~ | a f g4. e8 | d4 c) d2 r4 f g( f~ | f e8 d c4 f~ | f d2) g4~( | g8 f e d c2) r4 d( f) e~( | e8 f g2) g4 | a4.( g8 e4 f~ | f e d2) e1 \once \override StaffGroup.SpanBar #'transparent = ##f \bar "||" % 47 Kyrie II R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 R1 | a2( g4) a4~( | a8 g f e) f2( | e) f d4( g2 f8 e | d4 c2 f4 | e d2 c8 h) | d4.( c8 a2) r4 e'2( f4) | g2( a | f4. d8 c4 d~ | d c f4. g8 a4. g16 f e4 a | r g f e~ | e8 d d2 c4) | d1 r4 d4.( c8) h( a) | h2( c) | r4 d a2( | c4 d h e ~ e f g e | f2. e4 | d2 c4 e~ | e c h2) a1~( | a\breve) \override StaffGroup.SpanBar #'transparent = ##f \bar "|." } contratenor = \relative { \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \center-align { "Contratenor " "(Tenore)" } } \clef "violin_8" d1~ | d2 d | d2.( c8 h | a2) a | c1( h2. g4 | h2\bmolle a~ | a4 g g2~ | g f) | g1 a2( f) | e4 d r d | f2( a4 h | c2.) a4 | r h c2( d8 c h a g2 | a4 h2 c4 | d c4. h8 g4 | a4. f8 e4 d | a'2. g4 a h) a2~( | a2) r4 c( | h d) c a | r d4.( c8 c h) | d1 d2( c | h1 | a1~ | a1) || % 30 Christe R1 | R1 | a2( b4 a~ | a g f e f2 e) | d r | a'( c | r4 c) h2(\bmolle a g4 a~ | a g8 f e4 a | f g4. a8 h4 | c4. h16 a g4) a~( a g8 f a2) | r e'( | f) e4( d | a c) f,8( g a h c1) % 47 Kyrie II R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 R1 | c1( | d2) d | c a h1(\bmolle | a2 f | g1) | f2.( e8 d c2) r | c'1 | a | f e2.( f4) | g2( a) | g4( f e2) | r d~ d f~ | f4 g a2( | h) c~( | c4 h g2~ g4 a h c | d2. c8 h | a4 g c2 | h4 a2 g4) a1~( | a\breve) } tenor = \relative c' { \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \center-align { "Tenor " "(Tenore)" } } \clef "violin_8" R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 a1 | a2 a | a2.( g8 f | e2) e( | g a h c | d2. c4) | h( a g2) | r2 a2 | f2( d e1 | d2 a') | h( c) | d( e | f1) f2( e) | d2.( c8 h | c1~ | c1) || % 30 Christe c4.( d8 e4 f~ | f d2 c4)\ficta | d2 r | R1 R1 | r2 c | d( e) | f2.( e8 d c1) | c2 c | d1( | e) d2( c | h1 | a~ | a~ a) % 47 Kyrie II a1 | g2( f) | e4.( f8 g4) a | h( c2 a4 h8 a g f e4. d8 | f2 g4 f) | a2 r4 h( | a c2 h8 a g1 | a1 | b2.) g4 | a2 f4 c'~( c h8 a g4 a | g2 f | f4. g8 a4 d,~ | d a'2 h4\bmolle a2 c4 a | d2 c~ | c4 a h c) | f,4.( g8 a4) r g a4.( g8 f e | d2 e4. f8 | g2 e4 f~ | f d e2~ e4 c g'2 | a d,4 g | f d a'2 | g4 f d2) f1( | e\breve) } bassusI = \relative c { \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \center-align { "Bassus [I] " "(Basso)" } } \clef "bass" d1~ | d2 d | d1( | f | a) g2.( e4) | d2.( c8 h | a2 c~ | c d | e1) d4.( c16 h16 a2) | r a | a( d | c4 a c4. d8 | e2. c4 h d r g, | d'2 h4 a | d a) e'2 | r4 a4.( g8 f4) | c( f2 d4 c h c a~ | a d2 c4 | d2 e4 f~ | f) g r c, | h d4.( c8) a4 a'2( g4. f8 | d2 g4. f8 | e d c2 d4) | e1 || % 30 Christe a4.( h8 c4 f,~ | f g) a2 | r4 f( g f) | d2 c d( a | a'4. f8 e4 f~ | f8 d f4 e c | d4 f2 g4 e) a, r a~( | a h) c2( | d) g | c,( e f4 d r a | h g h2 | c4 d c d~ | d e f2) e1 % 47 Kyrie II f1 | e2( d) | c r4 c( | d e) f4.( e8 d c c2 h4 | c4. d8 e4) f~( | f8 e d c h2 | c) r4 f4 h,4.(\bmolle c8 d4 e) | f4.( e16 d c2) | r4 d2 e4 | f2 r4 a~( a g8 f e4 c) | e2( f4. e16 d | c2 f4. d8 | d4 a) d2( c) r | d f4 c | r d( h a) | d2( a4 h~ h a d2 | h a4 c | d e4. d8 c h | a4 r h2 c4 a e'2 | r4 a, h c | d h a c | g a h4. g8 d'1) | cis\breve } bassusII = \relative c, { \set Staff.instrument = \markup { \center-align { "Bassus [II] " "(Basso)" } } \clef "bass" R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 | R1 d2( f4. e16 d) | c4 d c d~( | d f2 g4 | a8[ h c d] e a,4 g16 f | e2 a) g r4 e | d( g2 a4 | h c4. d8 e4 | f4. e8 c4 d | a d r h a g a2) | d, r | d a'| h\bmolle( a) | r d,~ d e | g1( | a~ | a) || % 30 Christe R1 | R1 | d2( g,4 d'~ | d8 c h4\bmolle) a c h8(\bmolle a d2 c4\ficta | d2 c4 a) | d2( c) | b4( a) b\bmolle( g a f e f~ | f g a2) | h( g | c1) h2( a) | g4( e2 g4 | f d r d~ | d c d2) a'1 % 47 Kyrie II f4.( g8 a4) h | c2( d) | a2( h4 a) | g4( c r f, e f) g2( | f) r | R1 | c'2( f, g1) | f2( a | g1) | r4 d'2( c8 h a4. h8) c2 | c f, | f2.( h4\bmolle | h c d2 a1 | h2\bmolle f4 c'~ | c f, g a | h4.\bmolle a8 f4 g~ g f) d2 | r a'( | g) a( | f) e r e | d2.( e4 | f g r a | e f g2) d1( | a'\breve) } superiuslyrics = \lyricmode { Ky -- ri -- e __ "[e" -- lei -- son, e -- lei -- son, e -- lei -- son, Ky -- ri -- "e]" e -- lei -- son. Chri -- ste __ "[e" -- lei -- son, e -- lei -- son, __ Chri -- "ste]" __ e -- lei -- son. Ky -- ri -- e __ "[e" -- lei -- son, __ e -- lei -- son, Ky -- ri -- "e]" __ e -- lei -- son. __ } contratenorlyrics = \lyricmode { Ky -- ri -- e __ "[e" -- lei -- son, Ky -- ri -- e e -- lei -- son, e -- lei -- son,__ Ky -- ri -- "e]" e -- lei -- son. __ Chri -- ste "[e" -- lei -- "son,]" __ e -- lei -- son. __ Ky -- ri -- e "[e" -- lei -- son, __ Ky -- ri -- e e -- lei -- son, __ Ky -- ri -- "e]" e -- lei -- son. __ } tenorlyrics = \lyricmode { Ky -- ri -- e "[e" -- lei -- son, __ e -- lei -- "son,]" __ e -- lei -- son. __ Chri -- ste "[e" -- lei -- son, __ Chri -- "ste] e" -- lei -- son. __ Ky -- ri -- e __ "[e" -- lei -- son, Ky -- ri -- e e -- lei -- "son,]" __ e -- lei -- son. __ } bassusIlyrics = \lyricmode { Ky -- ri -- e __ "[e" -- lei -- son, __ e -- lei -- son, e -- lei -- son, Ky -- ri -- "e]" __ e -- lei -- son. Chri -- ste, "[Chri" -- ste e -- lei -- son, Chri -- "ste]" __ e -- lei -- son. Ky -- ri -- e "[e" -- lei -- son, __ e -- lei -- son, __ Ky -- ri -- e e -- lei -- son, __ Ky -- ri -- "e]" e -- lei -- son. } bassusIIlyrics = \lyricmode { Ky -- ri -- e "[e" -- lei -- son, e -- lei -- son, Ky -- ri -- "e]" __ e -- lei -- son. __ Chri -- ste "[e" -- lei -- son, __ e -- lei -- "son,]" __ e -- lei -- son. Ky -- ri -- e __ "[e" -- lei -- son, __ Ky -- rie, __ Ky -- ri -- e e -- lei -- son, Ky -- ri -- "e]" e -- lei -- son. __ } \score { \context StaffGroup = "wholestaff" << \context Voice = "voice1" << \global \superius >> \context Lyrics = "lyricsvoice1" \lyricsto "voice1" { \superiuslyrics } \context Voice = "voice2" << \global \contratenor >> \context Lyrics = "lyricsvoice2" \lyricsto "voice2" { \contratenorlyrics } \context Voice = "voice3" << \global \tenor >> \context Lyrics = "lyricsvoice3" \lyricsto "voice3" { \tenorlyrics } \context Voice = "voice4" << \global \bassusI >> \context Lyrics = "lyricsvoice4" \lyricsto "voice4" { \bassusIlyrics } \context Voice = "voice5" << \global \bassusII >> \context Lyrics = "lyricsvoice5" \lyricsto "voice5" { \bassusIIlyrics } >> \layout { \context { \Voice \override Slur #'transparent = ##t } } \midi { \tempo 2=72 } } _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user