On Sun, 2006-05-28 at 12:57 +0200, Hector M. Monacci wrote:
> It is five years now since I had used Lilypond for the last time.
> Some code of that old version (1.3.x), even after carefully converted,
> seems to break with the current stable version 2.8.2.
> Example:
> = = =
> \version "2.8.2"
> \score { 
>       \relative c {
>               \clef bass
>               b1:32
>               f1:32
>       }
> }
> = = =
> Once you get this to a PDF file, the first note, b, gets its tremolo
> marks appropiately above the note, but the second note, f, gets its
> tremolo marks just over the note, with a complete overlap.
> I think this is a bug.
This is a bug but it has been fixed in CVS, so the fix should be in the
next stable version when it is released.

> I would appreciate help about how to avoid this. I guess I should raise
> the tremolo marks a pair of mm.
try adding something like
\override StemTremolo #'extra-offset = #'(0 . 3)

> Thanks,
> Héctor
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