On 25-May-06, at 9:27 AM, Daniel Johnson wrote:

Graham Percival wrote:

On 23-May-06, at 2:29 PM, Christian Conkle wrote:

I'm working on what the Lilypond docs so nicely term a "musicological document" with lilypond-book excerpts from a Bach fugue. (fis minor from WTCI) I'm using \set Score.currentBarNumber to keep the bar numbering correct, and it would be nice to have Lilypond put a bar number at the beginning of the excerpt. Is this possible?

See this message:


Excellent!  This works, although it displays a warning:

  \bar ""
  \set Score.currentBarNumber = #53
  c4 c c c c c c c

I'll add this to the docs; it's not at all obvious to me that there isn't a bar line at the beginning of a piece.

- Graham

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