thanks for your answer. it helped me very much.
Bottom line: You have answered my mail very quickly, unfortunately my
public mail service provider has tossed it into Spam folder, where I
discovered it a few minutes ago.
Tomas Valusek
Mats Bengtsson napsal(a):
See the section on Vertical spacing in the manual. One way to do it is to
replace the first lines of your \score block with
\score {
\new Staff = "mel"
\with {\override VerticalAxisGroup #'minimum-Y-extent = #'(-7 . 4)}
\new PianoStaff <<
You can replace the -7 with whatever number you want (larger negative
number means more space below the melody, default value is -4).
Tomas Valusek wrote:
How to add solo staff to "Piano centered dynamics" template? The best
I can get with my current LilyPond knowledge is in attachement, but
the solo staff is too near. Thanks for any help.
Tomas Valusek
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