Seeing as I've made enough of a fuss about other things ...
I've seen somebody else ask about modern "tram-line" caesurae, and I want
things like a free-format gliss ...
What sort of price am I looking at to sponsor these - I guess it's just a new
character in a font?
Basically the four things I can think of at the moment are
1) tram-line caesurae
Basically, the straight version of the tram-line we have now? I can add
those for free with any of the following features.
2/3) straight-line and zigzag glisses WITHOUT a terminating note
You could make a gliss to a transparent note.
But I can also add it as feature. Price: 130 EUR.
4) not sure what it's called, but it looks like a right parenthesis hanging
from the note head, usually seen for trombones and trumpets, and again is a
form of gliss.
I think this is called a "fall." Price: 65 EUR; I will need some scans
to be sure that we're talking about the same thing, though.
Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.xs4all.nl/~hanwen
LilyPond Software Design
-- Code for Music Notation
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