i'm trying to use the /parenthesize to create ghost notes in a drumset part using /drummode. i don't get any error messages from lilypond, but i don't see any parentheses in the output (just regular noteheads). i have a feeling that the fact that items must be "directly connected with a music input element" to work with /parenthesize, but i'm not sure.
am i crazy, does this work for anyone else? \version "2.8.1" \new DrumStaff << \context DrumVoice = "1" { s1 *2 } \context DrumVoice = "2" { s1 *2 } \drummode { \override Score.MetronomeMark #'padding = #4.0 \tempo 4 = 118 \repeat volta 2 { << { cymc8[ hho] <hhc[ sn>-> hh16 \parenthesize sn] hh8[ hho->] hhc <hh sn>-> } \\ { bd4 r4 bd8 bd r4 } >> << { hh16[ \parenthesize sn hho8->] <hhc[ sn>-> hh16 \parenthesize sn] hh[ \parenthesize sn hho8->] <hhc[ sn>-> hh] } \\ { r8 bd r4 bd8 bd r8 bd } >> } }
thanks for any help, bernie _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user