If your LilyPond.app is in Applications, they are at:


I'm not sure, though, if changes you make to these files you be reflected in your app, since what LilyPond.app launches is probably (I don't know for sure) the lilypond executable at:


Whether or not the executable looks for changes in the scm files is probably best answered by a developer.


Joshua Parmenter
Post-Doctoral Research Associate - Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media
Raitt Hall - University of Washington
Seattle, Washington 98195

On May 13, 2006, at 7:16 PM, Rick Hogg wrote:

I see a lot of emails on the list and in the archive addressing modifying the ".scm" and other files to change one preference or another.  My question is, on Mac OS X, where are these files located?  I have a hunch that I alter them in pico, vim or TextEdit.

Thanks in advance,

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