Here you go then - my attempt at a structured version of your music: %% start here
\version "2.8.1" #(set-global-staff-size 17.17) \paper { #(define dump-extents #t) indent = 0\mm linewidth = 160\mm - 2.0 * 0.4\in ragged-right = ##f ragged-bottom = ##t ragged-last-bottom = ##t after-title-space = 1\mm %between title and first system before-title-space = 1\mm %between last system of one score and title of next } \layout { \context { \Lyrics \override LyricSpace #'minimum-distance = #1.2 } } \header { title = "Sister Golden Hair" composer = "America" } csmD = { <gis dis' gis' b' dis'' gis''>4 \downbow } csmU = { <gis dis' gis' b' dis'' gis''>4 \upbow } csmBar = { \csmD \csmD \csmD \csmU } aD = { 4 \downbow } aU = { 4 \upbow } aBar = { \aD \aD \aD \aU } eD = { <e b e' gis' b' e''>4 \downbow } eU = { <e b e' gis' b' e''>4 \upbow } eBar = { \eD \eD \eD \eU } gsmD = { <gis dis' gis' c'' d'' g''>4 \downbow } gsmU = { <gis dis' gis' c'' d'' g''>4 \upbow } gsmBar = { \gsmD \gsmD \gsmD \gsmU } bD = { <fis b fis' b' dis''' fis'''>4 \downbow } bU = { <fis b fis' b' dis''' fis'''>4 \upbow } bBar = { \bD \bD \bD \bU } fsmD = { <fis cis' fis' a' cis'' fis''>4 \downbow } fsmU = { <fis cis' fis' a' cis'' fis''>4 \upbow } fsmBar = { \fsmD \fsmD \fsmD \fsmU } esusD = { <e b e' a' b' e''>4 \downbow } esusU = { <e b e' a' b' e''>4 \upbow } asusD = { <e a d a' d'' e''>4 \downbow } %intro = { \csmBar \aBar \eBar \eBar \gsmBar } intro = { \csmBar \aBar \eBar \eBar \gsmBar } introChords = \chordmode { cis1:m a e e gis:m } verseIntro = { \gsmBar \csmBar \bBar \aBar \aBar } verseChords = \chordmode { gis1:m cis:m b a a e1 e gis:m gis:m a e gis:m gis:m a fis:m cis2:m gis:m a1 fis:m a e2 e:sus4 e1 } verseIntro = { \gsmBar \csmBar \bBar \aBar \aBar } verse = { \eBar \eBar \gsmBar \gsmBar \aBar \eBar \gsmBar \gsmBar \aBar \fsmBar \csmD \csmU \gsmD \gsmU \aD \aU \aD \aU \fsmD \fsmU \fsmD \fsmU \aD \aU \aD \aU \eD \eU \esusD \esusU \eD \eU \eD \eU } verseLyricsI = \lyricmode { Well I tried to make it Sunday. But I got so damn depressed that I set my sights on Monday and I got myself undressed. Im not ready for the altar, but I do agree theres times, when a woman sure can be a friend ofmine } verseLyricsII = \lyricmode { Well I keep on thinking bout you Sister Golden hair delight And I just can't live without you Cant you see it in my eyes I've been one poor coresspondent I've been too to hard to find But it doesnt mean You aint been on my mind } chorusChords = \chordmode { e2 r b1 b a e b b a e fis:m7 gis:m5+ a:9 } chorus = { \eD \eU r4 r4 \bBar \bBar \aBar \eD \eU \eD \eU \bBar \bBar \aBar \eD \eU \eD \eU <fis b fis' a' cis'' fis''>1 \downbow <gis b e' gis' b' e''>1 \downbow <e' cis'' e'' b''>1 \downbow } chorusLyrics = \lyricmode { Will you meet me in the mid -- dle %hyphenate words Will you meet me in the _ air %add skips Will_you love me just a little %Join words Just enough to show you care Well I tried to make it I dont mind saying I just cant take it. } outroChords = \chordmode { a2:sus4 a b1 b a e b b a e b b a e } outro = { \asusD \asusD \aD \aD \bBar \bBar \aBar \eD \eU \eD \eU \bBar \bBar \aBar \eD \eU \eD \eU \bBar \bBar \aBar \eD \eU \eD } \score { << \new Staff { \introChords } \new Staff { \intro } >> \header { piece = "Intro" } } \score { << \new ChordNames { \verseChords } \new Staff { \verseIntro \break \new Voice = "sungVerse" { \verse } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sungVerse" { \verseLyricsI } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sungVerse" { \verseLyricsII } >> \header { piece = "Verse" } } \score { << \new ChordNames { \chorusChords } \new Staff { \new Voice = "sungChorus" { \chorus } } \new Lyrics \lyricsto "sungChorus" { \chorusLyrics } >> \header { piece = "Chorus" } } \markup{ "Re-intro" } \markup{ "Chorus" } \score { << \new ChordNames { \outroChords } \new Staff { \outro } >> \header { piece = "Outro" } } \markup{ \center-align { \line { "C#m" }}} \markup \fret-diagram-terse #"4-1-(;4-1;6-3;6-4;5-2;4-1-);" \markup{ \center-align { \line { "A" }}} \markup \fret-diagram-terse #"5-1-(;7;7;6;5-1;5-1-);" %% End here I don't imagine I have converted everything correctly but it should demonstrate the principles. I didn't know where they lyrics are meant to go, so I have just included examples of how to move them around. You could usefully enter a key signature, too, I think. Are you sure you want the chords displayed in full, though? I'm not a guitarist, but I would have thought that as there are only about half a dozen different chords you could show the whole thing as lyrics+melody+frets+chords+bow, or lyrics+melody+chords+bow with the fret diagrams at the end. BTW, with a bit of trial and error you can express the full guitar chords in chordmode. For example, by my reckoning your 'A' chord can be entered as a,: (And you could even make that chord show as 'A' in the chord names, using chord exceptions, if you wanted to be fancy). I'm not sure it's worth it, though, given that you can define the chords as variables as I have done. Hope that helps. If you need any further explanation of the approach I have used then I can email you directly. Colin -- View this message in context: Sent from the Gnu - Lilypond - User forum at _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list