Mats Bengtsson schrieb:
I noticed first now that you used an old version of LilyPond. My first
recommendation is to upgrade to the new stable version
However, when I try it with the latest version, it turns out that
between-system-space (as it's called now) does not have any
influence also in the newer versions. One possible workaround
(that might not work in 2.6.3, I don't remember when it was introduced)
is to add
in your LaTeX code (somewhere before the \begin{lilypond} )
Quoting Jeffrey Philpott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Mats Bengtsson schrieb:
It's very hard to guess exactly what you tried without seeing
the actual files.
Also, you will get much better assistance from the mailing
list if you clarify the following:
- Have you verified that it's anything particular for lilypond-book
or do you see the same in scores typeset directly with lilypond?
- Do you mean several staves, when you say several voices?
I hope you have realized that betweensystemspace only determines
the distance between the systems (score lines) not between the staves
within the same line of the score.
Quoting Jeffrey Philpott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I'm trying to put together several pieces of music using lilypond-book
and Latex.
Whenever a piece has several voices, then the default
doesn't get taken over into the output, and the systems are very (too)
close together.
Setting betweensystemspace or padding explicitly in \paper also
doesn't make any
difference. Is there any way of getting around this?
Debian (Kanotix) Kernel 2.6.16. Lilypond 2.6.3
Jeffrey Philpott
lilypond-user mailing list
Hallo Mats,
Sorry for not being too clear on the subject, here's another try!
Output of Lilypond itself is perfect, it seems to be lilypond-book.
As long as I have one stave then the distances are good. As soon as I
use several staves (which I inadvertently called voices), then
lilypond-book closes the distance between the systems, and this
distance cannot be changed by any tweaks(?).
Which is my question.
I still have to try to see if I can change the distance between the
systems when I have only one stave.
Jeffrey Philpott
lilypond-user mailing list
Thanks a lot, that was the perfect answer. I also managed with the
\renewcommand to revert back to normal for the other \include files.
As a sort of "Nebenwirkung" (no idea what that is in english) it
automatically cut down the number of overfull and underfull boxes which
Latex has been throwing at me.
Jeffrey Philpott
lilypond-user mailing list