
By following Carrick's instructions, you've told the Finder what to do with .ly files (not with "files created by LilyPond"). Now repeat his instructions with a .pdf file and as many other file formats that you desire.


Sean Reed wrote:
Hi Carrick,

That's the first thing I tried. It didn't work though. I chose GetInfo and changed the application to TextWrangler, and now all .ly files open in TextWrangler when I double click on them, which is great.

But when I point and click at an item in a PDF file of an ly score, it still is opened by the

Any other clues?


On 01.05.2006, at 19:34, Carrick Patterson wrote:

Click on an .ly file and do Get Info. You'll see a place where you can change the application that opens the file. Change to the application you like. There is an option to change all files of this kind to that application. Choose that.

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