Outright killing the EXE would be problematic for those of us who keep Adobe
opened with the user manual and other documents while coding lilypond.

It should instead issue a "Close" request to Adobe telling it to close the
file name if it's currently opened.  Yes I believe Adobe Reader exposes a
public Close method that can be called by getting an object reference to the
running EXE.  I think you can get an Adobe developers manual/kit from Adobe
that would document how to do this prgrammatically maybe using Windows
scripting host.

Simon Dahlbacka wrote:
> Hi,
> After getting annoyed with the fact that lilypond fails if I happen to
> keep
> Acrobat Reader open (since it for some curious reason holds an exclusive
> lock on the file) when running it I wondered if lilypond could kill
> acrobat
> reader, before trying to generate the pdf?
> It seems that it is possible using DDE (this is what texniccenter does).
> - does this belong in lilypond proper or in lilypond-mode (emacs) or
> <insert
> editor of choice>?
> - if all else fails I suppose I could create my own wrapper that took care
> of the problem..
> How are you guys dealing with this?
> regards,
> Simon
> PS. Using lilypond 2.8 on winXP
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