Just use 

   \markup {\override #'(font-name . "Petrucjt") \lower #number {d} }


   \override Staff.Clef #'font-size = #number


eduardo.susan wrote:
> Hi, I'm also interested in using this kind of clef in Lilypond. There is a 
> TTF music font that already has this glyph. It's a modified version of 
> Finale's Petrucci, it is called Petrucjt. It is available for free in the 
> site: http://www.paperlesshymnal.com/shapnote/shaped.htm See: Enhanced 
> Finale default font music. 
> I did this (based on the procedure for polimetric music): 
> %%% SNIPPET %%%% 
> \layout { 
>   ragged-right = ##t 
> } 
> oldfa =\markup { 
>  \override #'(font-name . "Petrucjt") 
>  { d } 
>  } 
> { 
>   \override Staff.Clef #'stencil = #ly:text-interface::print 
>   \override Staff.Clef #'text = #oldfa 
>   \time 4/4 
>   c'2  c'4 c'4 
> } 
> %%%% END %%% 
> Now, could anybody tell me how I can move the clef (markup) up and make it 
> bigger? 

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