> convert-ly : works only in a root shell, where it is version 2.8.1 and 
> works as expected. In a user shell it gives:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ convert-ly --version
> bash: /usr/bin/convert-ly: No such file or directory
> lilypond-book : works in root shell and user shell, version 2.8.1
> lilypond: works in user shell but not in root shell, where it gives the 
> same error as with convert-ly

did you install lilypond 2.8 as root or regular user? From your other
posts I suppose you have cleaned up your system a bit, but it seems to
be still a little "dirty". I advise you to remove all instances of
lilypond you can find, examples:

rm -rf /usr/local/share/lilypond/
rm -rf /usr/bin/lilypond*
rm -rf /usr/bin/convert-ly*
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/lilypond*
rm -rf /usr/local/bin/convert-ly*
rm -rf /usr/local/lib/lilypond/

then, close the shell you're using, open a new one and try to run
lilypond, convert-ly, and lilypond-book. all of them should return
something like:

-/bin/bash: lilypond: command not found

also, check to see if you have lilypond installed in your home dir.
check for ~/bin/lilypond* 

*then*, re-install lilypond 2.8 as root.

BTW, kurumin is not a strong system for a home user. it's ok to run from
a CD as a demo, but a nightmare to maintain. If you are looking for a
debian-based distribution, I recomend ubuntu. It has great hardware
support, it's easy to install, and works in portuguese as well.



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