Actually this does raise a question I have wondered about: What is the
difference between R1 and r1 (or R2 and r2 or whatever)? Seems like in 4/4
you'd get a full-bar rest with either R1 or r1. I will say I've not
experimented that much, and I always use R1*x (or whatever) when doing
multiple-bar rests.

Quoting Graham Percival <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> On 9-Apr-06, at 4:26 PM, David Raleigh Arnold wrote:
> > On Sunday 09 April 2006 00:16, Graham Percival wrote:
> >> In all seriousness, having a \wholeBarRest command would involve a
> >> nontrivial amount of extra programming.
> > Wouldn't
> >
> > threst = \times 4/3{R2.}
> I think you mean
> threst = \times 3/4 {R1}
> or
> therest = R1*3/4
> That would certainly give you a full-bar rest in 3/4 time, but the big
> problem would be making "threst" detect what time signature it was in,
> and modify the "\times x/y" accordingly.
> Cheers,
> - Graham
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Little Rock AR

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