Quoting Kieren Richard MacMillan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

[ Lilypond 2.8 ]

Hello, all --

I'm trying to even out the first three notes in the attached screenshot:

Trying to move the NoteColumn doesn't seem to work. I can individually move the NoteHead and Stem (using extra-offset), but it's awkward. Is there a single grob I can tweak? Or is there a way to tell Lilypond to
ignore the lyrics when spacing (just) those three notes?

I'm hoping the answer is fairly simple, but I can't seem to find a solution in the docs or list archive.

What do you want to happen with the lyrics? Obviously, you don't
want the syllables to collide. Do you want them not to be aligned
with the note heads, or ...?

You could of course increase the spacing between the first two notes, either by fooling LilyPond into beleiving that the first syllable is
longer: \lyricsmode { "I   " whis pered ... }
or by using
\once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1
as described in the section on Horizontal Spacing.


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