If you do \set fingeringOrientations = ...
then then that setting will apply to all future fingerings in that
voice. However, even if you don't have chords, you have to enclose
every note in a "chord", like <a>-3, to make it work.


Quoting Allan Spagnol Comar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi lilypond list, I was wondering if it is possible to set
fingerOrientation to one voice, I had re written Bach Bourreé and I am
having some trouble to set finger orientation, I got fingers on every
compass and set position one by one is real hard, considering that I
want the full melody to get finger left and the bass to get finger
down ....

Is a way for doing this ?

Thanks, Allan

An application asked:
"Requeires Windows 9x, NT4 or better",
so I´ve installed Linux

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