On 8-Apr-06, at 7:30 AM, Tomas Valusek wrote:
%Begin code
\version 2.8.1
\relative c
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 4/4
c8( d' a d c, d' a d)
c,( des' as des c, des' as des)
%End code
How to fix this? I'm absolute beginner in LilyPond and this is a small
snippet of my first transcription.
It looks like the second slur is avoiding the flat sign on the des.
You could try adding a key signature that includes a D-flat? :)
On a serious note, this is a tricky thing to fix. Take a look at
section 6.4.2 Slurs. At the bottom of that page, there's a "See also:
Program reference: Slur". Follow that link, and you'll see some
advanced settings for slurs. Changing some of those numbers can
produce vastly different slurs, but I don't know which ones you want.
Read chapter 10 to find out how to change these numbers.
- Graham
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