Ok I can make some sense of that but Heads up to Graham
in section 6.7.2 the 3rd example has exactly what I'm
trying to do and there is no mention of needing a
\partial at the end of the first set of repeats.
Carrick Patterson wrote:
You have to do a \partial on the last measure of the first ending.
*From: *"Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
*Organization: *Sound and Silence
*Date: *Fri, 07 Apr 2006 17:50:29 -0700
*To: *"lilypond-user@gnu.org list" <lilypond-user@gnu.org>
*Subject: *problem with \partial repeated in second ending
\version "2.8.0"
\header {
title = "Sax 18 (Jig)"
subtitle = "An Galloglach"
subsubtitle = "The Gallowglass"
copyright = "For Study Purposes only"
melody = \relative c''
\clef treble
\key g \major
\time 6/8
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
#(set-global-staff-size 35)
\partial 8
b8 c4 a8 e' b d c a a a4 b8 c4.\fermata e8 fis g d b g g
a b
\acciaccatura d c b a e' b d \times 3/4 {c-. (c-. a a)}
e'4 d8 c b a g a b
\acciaccatura d c a a a4 \bar ":|"
\repeat volta 2
{\partial 8
a'8 a4.\fermata e8 g d c a a a4 b8 c4.\fermata e8 fis g
d b g g4 e'8}
\alternative {
{\times 3/4 {a8-.( a-. a-. a-.)} e g d c a a a e' d
\times 3/4 {c-. (c-. b a)}
g a b \acciaccatura d c a a a4} {a'8[ e g] \times 3/4
{fis-.[ fis-. d b]}
e8 [c a] b [g e] a [b c] \acciaccatura d e \times 2/3
{b c d} c [a a] a4}
\bar "|."
\score {
\new Staff \melody
\layout { }
\midi { \tempo 8=120 }
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Childhood is a Journey not a race- Emma Sadinsky aged 8
Jay Hamilton
Sound and Silence
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