What's the point of using embedded postscript instead
of just using the extra-offset property on an ordinary text

Colin Wilding wrote:

Like this, for example:

\version "2.8.0"
cwpsDef = \markup { \postscript #"
        /CMWFont { /CenturySchL-Roma findfont 2 scalefont setfont } bind def
/CMWOrg { CMWFont (Org.) show } def "

cwpsOrg = \markup { \postscript #"-4 1.5 moveto CMWOrg" }

music = \relative c' { e4 f g a-\cwpsOrg b c d-\cwpsOrg e } \header { title = "Title"
        subsubtitle = \cwpsDef

\score { \new Staff { \new Voice { \music } } }
\layout { }


Note that the Postscript definitions are hidden in the subsubtitle - that
means that you can put quite a lot in there and refer to it later.
The font definition is machine-specific - I worked out what to use by
examining the .ps file from a simple score.
The position of the text is determined by the statement '-4 1.5 moveto'. You can tweak this by trial and error.
The size of the text is determined by the '2' before scalefont.


Colin Wilding wrote:
You could use embedded Postscript.  It may take a while to get the hang of
it (especially if you have not used Postscript before) but it is very
powerful and it is invisible to Lilypond, so you can put objects anywhere
and Lilypond will not move things around to avoid them.  For example, I
have used it to put in a large bracket where two lyric lines merge into


Mats Bengtsson-4 wrote:
Not that I know of. The only thing you can place to the left/right
of a note is fingering instructions and I don't know any trick to fool LilyPond into typesetting anything else than numbers as fingerings. Maybe someone feels like sponsoring Han-Wen to implement a more general solution, you are certainly not the first one to ask the question.

Quoting Geoff Horton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I want to put a small script to the left of a note. This puts it below the note:
d2_\markup \small \italic "Org."

Is there any way short of using manual offsets to move it?


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