you could try my little lilypad app:

a vastly improved version should be out within the month with completion, syntax coloring, and hopefully some other nice features. i am also planning on releasing it under the gpl.


On Apr 2, 2006, at 1:38 PM, mark oilcan wrote:

--- Carrick Patterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Quoting mark oilcan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

--- Orm Finnendahl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A couple of days ago I posted a modified lilypond-mode.el which takes advantage of xpdf's -remote option which does what you're asking for.

It only works if you use emacs, though...

Thanks for the suggestion. Right now I can get a pdf viewer pointing to
final pdf, and it refreshes automatically. The problem on the Mac is that
when I do command-R it compiles then pops Preview to the front. If I
make it just do the compiling, without launching Preview (or shifting
to it) then that would be sufficient. I took a look at in
/Applications/ but the changes I made
didn't seem to have an effect. I don't really know python, so I'm not
sure if
that's a limitation of mine or whether is used at all. So, is
there a way to customize the behavior of Lilypond to just do the
without launching a pdf viewer? I don't have any problem with altering scripts, if that's necessary, but I'll need some pointers on which ones.

Mark A

Why don't you just put at the top of your file:

\set Score.skipTypesetting = ##t

There seems some confusion. It's not that I want to stop the typesetting, I just don't want the Mac application to launch (and in particular shift the focus away from Lilypond) after typesetting has been completed. So, I (1) do some editing in a .ly file, (2) hit command- R to typeset and create a pdf file, (3) do more editing. After I do step (2) and perhaps simultaneous to doing step (3) the pdf is displayed in my pdf viewer so I can see what it all looks like. Important here is that between (2) and (3) I don't have to manually switch back to Lilypond from the pdf viewer (ie Preview). Yes, I could do this all easily enough in emacs, but I'm trying to set this up for someone who would find that route far to complicated. The Mac is great for someone who doesn't want a complicated set-up, but the pushing Preview to the front all the time is actually an annoyance.

Thanks for the suggestions. I do appreciate others trying to help out. Is
this something that would be better asked on the devel list?

Mark A

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