Hi, Simon!
I had been wondering about the same thing and browsing the list archive I
found a solution in the thread "Stemming for hymnal"
I think the solution for you would be to arrange the score block like this
\score { << \voiceOne

I've been testing this construct with the example below:
\version "2.8.0"
% converted from c:\gs\tesforly.xml
PartPOneVoiceOne =  { \autoBeamOff
    \clef "G" \key c \major \time 4/4 e'4 f'4
\set doubleSlurs = ##t
 g'4 ( a'4 )
    g'2 ~  g'8  a'8 b'8 d''8
    c''2 c''2 }

PartPTwoVoiceOne =  {  \autoBeamOff
    \clef "G" \key c \major \time 4/4 c'4 d'4 e'4 ( f'4 )
   e'2 ~ e'8  f'8 << \\ f'4 >>
    e'2 e'2 }

\score  {
        \new Staff << \voiceOne


Now one thing I don't know is how to make one tie be up and the other be
down, like it would normally be if I was writing both voices as chords. I
don't know if it is possible. Maybe one of the Lily experts could answer
this question too.
I too find hard to be writing chords all the time, but one thing that I
found helpful using the jEdit editor is that you can make this text
c e
f a
e g
then you select the lines of notes and insert the preffix < and the suffix
>, then select and cut the numbers and do the vertical paste. The result is
< c e >2
< f a >4
< e g >4



----- Original Message -----
From: Simon Dahlbacka
To: lilypond-user@gnu.org
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 4:08 PM
Subject: combining stems

I'm (a relative newbie) trying to typeset a choir-type piece, where I'd have
SAT on one staff, *with* combined stems,

Now, I realize that I can do it by adding everything as chords, but this
does not feel natural to me, and I'd like to keep the different voices
separate in the input file if at all possible,

I tried to set them as different voices, and overriden stem direction to be
\stemUp, which is not ideal but better than S-up A-down T-up. This works,
sort of, as long as the duration is quarternotes or longer (and ignoring the
fact that I get a sh*tload of warnings), the beams do not combine, rendering
things seen in attached screenshot,

sopranThree = \relative c' {
  d8 e16 f ~ f8 g16 e ~ e8 d16 c r8 c16 d ~ |
  d8 e16 f ~ f8 g16 a ~ a4 ~ a8 d16 d16 ~ |
  \key g \major
  d1 |

altThree = \relative c' {
  b8 c16 d ~ d8 d16 c\( ~ c8 a16 g\) r8 g16 b ~ |
  b8 c16 d ~ d8 d16 g ~ g4 g8 h16 h ~ |
  \key g \major
  a1 |

tenorThree = \relative c' {
  s1 | s4 s8 s16 d16 ~ d4 ~ d8 g16 g( |
  \key g \major
  fiss1 |

So, how am I supposed to merge stems and beams (into chords, but without
writing them as chords)?



I'm using 2.8.0 on windows FWIW.

A somewhat related note, the documented behaviour about stem directions when
using \partcombine seem to be off, or there's a bug in section

8.3.1 Automatic part combining

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