On Mon, Mar 20, 2006 at 08:54:58AM +1100, Cameron Horsburgh wrote:
> The score I'm working on has ties going over a page/line break. On the 
> second page, one of the ties is hardly noticeable--in fact, I was 
> alerted to the problem by what I thought was a misplaced staccato!
> [...] 
> http://web.netcall.com.au/horsburgh/Downloads/brantwood.pdf
> The problem is at the beginning of page 3 on the second cornet line 
> [...] 

I had the same problem (though not at the same location within the score
(not at a page or line break), so I manually added a little extra space
before the note the tie ends at, which lengthened the tie and made it
more distinguishable as a tie) using a technique described in the manual
at the end of section 10.5.6 (Horizontal Spacing)--

\once \override Score.SeparationItem #'padding = #1

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