I think the problem is that you have surrounded all the staves by a
GrandStaff. If you look at the program reference for GrandStaff, you
will learn that it can only contain Staff contexts, by default.
Even though it's possible to change this default definition of
GrandStaff, but if I recall correctly, it's still not possible
to get nested curly braces in version 2.6. However, in version 2.7
(and the next stable release 2.8, which will appear any week) it
should be possible to do it, see the NEWS file for version 2.7.
Quoting Eddy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi !
I use the following to have a choir with a clarinet and an accordion.
\score {
\new GrandStaff <<
\context ChoirStaff=Choeur <<
\context Staff=Soprano <<
\context Voice=SopranoUn {\voiceOne \SopranoUnMusique}
\context Voice=SopranoDeux {\voiceTwo \SopranoDeuxMusique}
>> % end Staff Soprano
\context Lyrics=SopranoUn {s1}
\context Lyrics=SopranoDeux {s1}
\context Staff=Alto <<
\context Voice=AltoUn {\voiceOne \AltoUnMusique}
\context Voice=AltoDeux {\voiceTwo \AltoDeuxMusique}
>> % end Staff Alto
\context Lyrics=AltoUn {s1}
\context Lyrics=AltoDeux {s1}
\context Staff=Tenor <<
\context Voice=TenorUn {\voiceOne \TenorUnMusique}
\context Voice=TenorDeux {\voiceTwo \TenorDeuxMusique}
>> % end Staff Tenor
\context Lyrics=TenorUn {s1}
\context Lyrics=TenorDeux {s1}
\context Staff=Basse <<
\context Voice=BasseUn {\voiceOne \BasseUnMusique}
\context Voice=BasseDeux {\voiceTwo \BasseDeuxMusique}
>> % end Staff Basse
\context Lyrics=BasseUn {s1}
\context Lyrics=BasseDeux {s1}
\context Lyrics=SopranoUn \lyricsto SopranoUn \SopranoUnParoles
\context Lyrics=SopranoDeux \lyricsto SopranoDeux \SopranoDeuxParoles
\context Lyrics=AltoUn \lyricsto AltoUn \AltoUnParoles
\context Lyrics=AltoDeux \lyricsto AltoDeux \AltoDeuxParoles
\context Lyrics=TenorUn \lyricsto TenorUn \TenorUnParoles
\context Lyrics=TenorDeux \lyricsto TenorDeux \TenorDeuxParoles
\context Lyrics=BasseUn \lyricsto BasseUn \BasseUnParoles
\context Lyrics=BasseDeux \lyricsto BasseDeux \BasseDeuxParoles
>> % end ChoirStaff Choeur
\context Staff=Clarinette <<
>> % end Staff Clarinette
\context PianoStaff=Accordeon <<
\context Staff=MainDroite \MainDroiteMusique
\context Staff=MainGauche \MainGaucheMusique
>> % end PianoStaff Accordeon
>> % end GrandStaff
}% end score
In the pdf, the clarinet is at the top of the page ! I can't
understand why it
is not after the choir ! What does control this ?
Sorry for the length of the example, I tried to cut out the unusefull lines.
I use lilpond version 2.6.4.
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