Graham Percival wrote:

On 27-Feb-06, at 2:21 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:

Don Blaheta wrote:

All the above are small scripts that I got from the old .dmg packages. I'm not certain how to get these for recent 2.7 releases, nor where they'll be for 2.8, since now we just have a .zip.

Aha!  On my other machine I have those very scripts; I had remembered
them but somehow thought they were uninstalled by 2.7.  Not only weren't
they uninstalled, they remain a key part of the lilypond system.

They are installed. They're in

Could you double-check this?  There's no ./usr in my package.

Sorry, you're right of course. It's

 Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -

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