On 25-Feb-06, at 12:24 PM, Christian Conkle wrote:

I'm thinking about typesetting a number of orchestral pieces from old Dover reprints to go along with an orchestration course I'm taking. I've been thinking about ways to make the process easier (since I don't have the scores yet) and have been considering writing a script (in Ruby) to generate 'custom' file trees: the files for each instrument's music definition, for printing
parts, and for the score.

I believe that jedit does this; you could have a look at their scripts.

Has anyone else done such a thing? Does anyone else have workflow sugesstions for orchestral engraving? Also, are there any particularly good "models" of orchestral scores set in Lilypond around? I've been working from Will Oram's
engraving of the Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto, which I got from Mutopia.

Make sure you read Chapter 4 in the 2.7 docs. There might not be anything new in there for you, but if there *is*, you'll have wanted to have read it. :)

- Graham

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