Manual Tie Configuration--

In a previous email I asked about how to use LilyPond's new manual tie
configuration for a particular pair of tied chords, in a piano piece I'm
notating, which only share one common pitch and a different number of
notes per chord (2 notes in first chord, 3 notes in second):

    { <e a>8~ <c f a> }

LilyPond's default behavior is to tie the only common note between the
two chords, the uppermost A, in a downward arc (please see attached GIF,
which shows these chords in the context of the notated work). I would like
to manually configure the tie with respect to vertical placement on the
staff (position 0 or .5 on the treble staff) as well as arc direction

Can anyone help, to tell me how to use the following, between the chords
to produce that result?

{ <e a>8~ \once \override TieColumn
  #'tie-configuration = #'( *what-goes-here?* ) <c f a>~ }


Steve Doonan, New Mexico, US
Happiness is the absence of the striving for happiness.

Attachment: manual-tie-config.gif
Description: GIF image

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