On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 09:56:55PM -0700, Steve D wrote:
> For LilyPond manual, 2.7 series, section 6.2.3, Transpose:
> Suggestion:
> Consider a part written for violin (a C instrument). If this part is to
> be played on the A clarinet (for which an A is notated as a C, and which
> sounds a minor third lower than notated), the following transposition
> will produce the appropriate part
>    \transpose a c ...

That little parenthetical note I suggested, "(for which an A is notated
as ...)" is way too wordy and is itself confusing; sorry. I was just
trying to avoid confusion for a manual reader who did not know that an A
clarinet is notated a third above the pitch the instrument actually

Maybe the following would be better: "... played on the A clarinet
(which is customarily notated a minor third above the pitches the
instrument produces) ..."

Best wishes. Sorry Graham. I'm subscribing to the bugs-lilypond list now
for future notes/comments/suggestions I may offer for your consideration
as I re-read the manual. ;-)

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