What didn't work?
First of all, you can skip the \book command, which is implicitly
added around any LilyPond input file if you don't write it yourself.
Also, within each \score{...}, the music should come before the
\header, \layout and \midi, at least in most versions of LilyPond
(I think it was unintentionally permitted to have the music after
the other fields in some versions (2.6?) but then you'll get into
trouble when you upgrade).
Finally, if you want a full header on every score, take a look at
Otherwise, what you sketch below should work fine.
Quoting Paul Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Michael Phillips wrote:
How do I now get these 24 files into ONE file so I can print them as
a set? I tried using \book \score commands, but this didn't work ...
\book {
\header {
title = "Major & Minor Scales"
version = "2.6.5"
\score {
\header {
piece = "C major" }
etc., etc }
\score {
\header {
piece = "A minor" }
etc. etc
I believe for some reason the \header follows the music when it's in
the \score block.
\score {
{ etc., etc }
\header {
piece = "C major" }
Paul Scott
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