Hi, Eduardo Vieira and lists.

I could change font "Garamond" version 2.7.33-3 on Windows XP.
So, I tried Japanese .TTF font, but could not...

> Hello list,
> Using version 2.6.5 and 2.7.17(?) I could change the fonts for my lyrics by
> doing this:
> \layout {
>      \context {
>  \Lyrics
>  \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Garamond"
>  \override StanzaNumber #'font-name = #"Garamond"
> }
> }
> Now in version 2.7.30 nothing happens, no matter what font I select, Arial,
> etc... I'm under Windows Me.
> What should I do? Oh, another question what's also the procedure to change
> fonts in the header section: Title, composer and poet? For example: I want
> title to be displayed in Trebuchet size 25.
> Eduardo Vieira


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