On Wednesday 08 February 2006 13.09, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Milan Zamazal wrote:
> > I started to work on a small project to output a Festival singing mode
> > file from LilyPond input (this is useful for blind authors to easily
> > check lyrics is properly aligned with music).  I think this could be
> > similar to producing MIDI output but I haven't found a way how to take
> > advantage of it.
> >
> > Is there a better way how to do it than analyzing the parsed music
> > expression (as displayed by \displayMusic)?  Is there any documentation
> > on adding new output formats (without modifying LilyPond)?
> I think the quickest hack would be to add an engraver to the Lyrics
> context, which can catch lyric syllables and trace to which note
> (including pitch and onset time) these are connected. Another option is
> to analyse the music in a separate processing phase (this is similar to
> how \partcombine works). I can make a quote, if you want to sponsor this.

When music streams are implemented, there is a simplification to this: The 
Lyric_combine_iterator knows which note each lyric syllable is synchronised 
to, so it can simply copy the 'pitch property from the note to the syllable.


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