On Thursday 02 February 2006 00.11, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking through the archives and I've found almost exactly what I
> need. I'm trying to have a split where the text for the upper part is
> above the staff, and the text for lower voice is below the staff, and
> I just cannot figure out what to do. The example I found from the
> archives (from Mats Bengtsson) is here:

For some technical reasons, voices must be "alive" from the beginning of the 
piece, in order for \lyricsto to work.

It should work better if you do something like:

\new Staff <<
  \context Voice = "melody" {
      \relative c' { c
        << {\voiceOne c'8 e} \context Voice = splitpart {\voiceTwo c, 
4} >>
       \oneVoice c4 c | c
  \context Voice = splitpart {s1 * 2} % adjust length manually here

> \version "2.6.5"
> \score{
> <<
> \context Voice = "melody" {
>       \relative c' { c
>         << {\voiceOne c'8 e} \context Voice = splitpart {\voiceTwo c,
> 4} >>
>        \oneVoice c4 c | c
>        }
>     }
> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "melody" { we shall not o- ver- come }
> \new Lyrics \lyricsto "splitpart" { shall }
> }
> But everything I try affects the splitpart and not the melody.
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