Hi all,

I just installed the latest dev version using the grand installer.

when I run musicxml2ly I get the following error:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/data2/bakup/musicxml/bakup$ musicxml2ly evocation.xml
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/musicxml2ly", line 26, in ?
    import musicxml
ImportError: No module named musicxml

line 26 infact want to include musicxml. Is this something I am supposed to already have when I install with the grand installer or is it program I am obliged to install from elsewhere.

I also noticed that the installer puts lilypond in /usr/share/lilypond/usr/bin
it says it is linking with a script to /usr/bin but I find no such link:
this left me with adding /usr/share/lilypond/usr/bin/ to my path, or making a soft link in /usr/bin or copying the binaries to /usr/bin/

Is there a cleaner way to install using the grand installer, that I am just missing?

BTW I really like the newer versions of lilypond, kudo to Hans and all the developers :)


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