There is unfortunately no support in lilypond-book for having more than
one \score{...} in each \begin{lilypond} ... \end{lilypond} block.
Of course, one possible workaround is to add a \begin{lilypond} ...
\end{lilypond} around each \score (including the variable definitions
used by that particular \score).
Quoting Anas Ghrab <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Le 31 janv. 06 à 00:03, Graham Percival a écrit :
And the lily-658096907-systems.tex contains only :
% eof - 'eof' is Makefile marker; do not remove.
This .eps file should contain all the music. What happens if you
continue following the instructions for lilypond-book and produce a
pdf? Does the pdf only contain info from the second \include?
Following the instruction (dvips and ps2pdf) does not resolve the
problem. All the includes should give theses commands :
chant = \relative c'' {
\set Score.Clef = ##f
\set Staff.TimeSignature = ##f
\set Score.timing = ##f
\override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t
a^\markup {\italic{Būsalīk} (deuxième dérivé du mp. \italic
{`irāq})} g d2 c4 b2_\markup {\center-align{\line {Tonique 1}\line
{dans la notation}}} c4 d c b a2
\score {
\version "2.6.5"
chant = \relative c'' {
\set Score.Clef = ##f
\set Staff.TimeSignature = ##f
\set Score.timing = ##f
\override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t
g^\markup {\italic{`Irāq}, version 2} f f16 g a b4 a g f2 e4 d c d8 e f4
\score {
\version "2.6.5"
chant = \relative c'' {
\set Score.Clef = ##f
\set Staff.TimeSignature = ##f
\set Score.timing = ##f
\override Staff.Stem #'transparent = ##t
g^\markup {\italic{Iṣfahān} (4e mp.), d'après la notation} a g f e d2
\score {
\version "2.6.5"
They are probably not well written (repetition of commands), but it
works with Lilypond, outside the LaTeX context. I have a lot of these
short .ly files to include in a LaTeX file.
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