Assembled Wisdom!

I used lilypond several years ago, but had a lot of trouble
upgrading, because then one had to build from scratch and there
were always guile imcompatibilities, etc.  So I did nothing with
computer music typesetting for quite a while.

I recently did a reinstall of a very ancient Linux system and
am now running Debian Sarge; and I reinstalled Lilypond from
the CDs I bought.  So I now have Lilypond 2.2.6.  Which I guess
is ancient, but I still was able to set a transcription of
some Bach for string quartet.

So much for preface.  I have three questions:

1.  If I want to upgrade to a Lilypond 2.6.x, will that mean
I have to get a new guile, and possibly other libs?

2.  I have been poking about in the lilypond fonts; I have displayed
most of the feta* fonts.  But I can't find the more fundamental fonts,
with note shapes, stems and flags; are they in the TeX hierarcy
somewhere?  [ Reason for asking: I have the occasion to make a couple
of two-bar corrections to some cello parts, and I want the staff lines
and the bar lines to be _exact_ so that I can glue in the
replacements.  I thought I would try making a TeX file that would do
that; just as an exercise<g]

3. Mats Bengtsson wrote in a recent E-mail: "Note that version 2.6 and
later don't know anything about TeX or LaTeX."  I don't know what he
meant by that; doesn't even today's Lilypond use TeX for its
engraving? isn't the last stage of the "lilypond -P" command still
"running dvips . . ."?

TIA for clarification/assistance.

Alan McConnell

Alan McConnell :
    "The intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."
    Impeachment proceedings should be started immediately.

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