Graham Percival wrote:
> Which staff should remain visible, though?  (ie Staff.instrument name)

That's arbitrary. There are no notes, only rests, rehearsel signs,
tempi, time changes and these are all the same for the various parts.

> I think it's easier to use "s1" (possibly in conjunction with R1 --
> << R1 s1>>
> to keep a staff visible.

I could hack the input, and replace one R1 by a r1, but then the
corresponding staff would also become visible in the complete 
orchestral score. 
I think it is a layout problem, which should not be tweaked by 
changing the musical content. The statement is simple:
"do not remove the last (empty) staff", but is the solution also simple?

Following your suggestion, I tried to change one R1 into <<R1 s1>>, 
but then the second system is still invisible.

  \version "2.7.28"
  \layout { \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext } }

  partA = \relative c' { 
    R1*10 \mark \default
    R1*10 \mark \default
    R1*10 \mark \default
    R1*10 \mark \default
    R1*10 \mark \default
    R1*10 \mark \default
    c4 r r2

  partB = \relative c' { 
    <<R1 s1>>
    d4 r r2
  \score {
    \new StaffGroup <<
      \new Staff \partA 
      \new Staff \partB
Toine Schreurs

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