Graham Percival wrote:
On 22-Jan-06, at 10:10 PM, Paul Scott wrote:
Mats Bengtsson wrote:
Read at
to find the answer.
I finally read that section as well as the section on multiple
movements. From the examples I *might* infer that only piece and
opus can be changed in a new score.
That is correct. If it isn't clear, I'll look at making it more
clear. (or ideally, you could tell me how to make it more clear. :)
Add to the current text in 10.1.13 Creating titles:
Here is a demonstration of the fields available. Note that you may use
any Text markup
commands in the header.
piece and opus are the only two header fields that can be changed in
subsequent movements (\scores) in the same \book.
Is there a way to have a movement title centered above the new
movement which is the way most orchestral parts I read are done?
The easiest way is to simply stick them in separate ly files.
Can separate ly files be put on the same page without using LilyPond Book?
The most interesting way is to redefine scoreTitleMarkup. (I think
that's the right name -- take a look at the bottom of "Creating
It's not clear how that will solve the problem of centered movement
names over individual movements *on the same page* (which I hadn't made
clear before).
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