One method is to add a title to the second score,
with a empty "piece" field that takes some space.

Another option is to convince LilyPond that the last
score line of the first score or the first score line
of the second score should occupy more space,
which can be done in several ways.


Felix Hammer wrote:


I also look for an chance to put some space between to \scores without using latex.

until now i did it so:


But now i have tried:
\version "2.6.4"
\book {
       \score  {
               \new Staff {
\relative c' { c4 d e f | g a b c \break
                                c,4 d e f | g a b c \break
c,4 d e f | g a b c }
} \markup { \fontsize #-10 " " } %%%%%%%%% <-- much more than 5 mm :( %%%%
    \score  {
               \new Staff {
\relative c' { c4 d e f | g a b c \break
                                c,4 d e f | g a b c \break
c,4 d e f | g a b c }
} }

but with this way the space between the scores is realy to much. Is there another command to do this? Or can the scores be moved another way? I have seen something about axes but didnt understand and cannot find an example in the web. does this mean i can say the first score starts with x=20\mm from the top of the page and y=20\mm from the left? and than the other score from x=140\mm and so on ...



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