It would much clearer if you included a short example of what you tried.
If I understand you correctly, you have for example one stave with music for the full score and you want it accompanied by a number of empty staves, right? Then, the easiest I can think of is so include an invisible copy of the same music also in the other staves, something like: melody = {c d e f } \score{ \new StaffGroup << \new Staff \melody \new Staff {\hideNotes \melody } \new Staff {\hideNotes \melody } >> } /Mats Gilles wrote:
Hello. How can I force the printing of the staff even if it is empty, i.e. sort of the opposite of "\RemoveEmptyStaffContext". By default, in a StaffGroup, for staves without music (not even multi-measures rests), lilypond shows, on the first system, the clef and time and key signatures but without printing the staff lines; then for subsequent systems nothing is printed. I'd rather not insert skip notes, since this file is to serve as a template and the length and time signature of the actual music will each time be different; I just want the empty staves to follow (in length) the non-empty ones. [I hope that was clear...] Version 2.6.3 (on Debian). Thanks, Gilles _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list
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