Linda Seltzer wrote:
For example, if one is running on a Windows
environment, one should not have to install another editor and worry about
getting that to work, and the outputs should be easily usable and readable
by other programs without having to install other kinds of programs and
First of all, I have never used Lilypond on windows. However, it isn't
clear to me exactly what you consider to be wrong. Lilypond takes a text
file as input; these can be easily produced with Microsoft Word and
Notepad. Old versions of notepad don't support UTF-8, but this is a
limitation of Notepad, not Lilypond.
There are _many_ better text editors around, so whenever anyone asks
about editors on the list, they are usually recommended to install
something new. But it is certainly not required to install another editor.
I suppose my main complaint about your complaint is that you don't
identify anything specific that needs to be fixed. You suggest that
Lilypond's user interface is poor but you don't say what needs to be
done to fix it. It's all very well to talk about "simplicity" and
"clarity," but if you want your suggestions to be taken seriously, why
don't you make a list of specific problems?
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