Same issue than the previous message :)

Ludovic Sardain wrote:

>Thank you very much. I now use the version 2.7.19, and it works.
>Thanks again
>2006/1/5, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>Your example works well with the latest stable version, 2.6.5,
>>maybe it's a bug in your particular version.
>>Actually, the default seems to be that the brackets are not printed
>>when there is a beam of the same lenght as the triplet, so in your
>>example you get exactly the same result also without this setting.
>>The if-no-beam setting only differs from the default layout if you
>>for example beam 6 triplets together.
>>  /Mats
>>Ludovic Sardain wrote:
>>>I send you an example of what I tried. I use lilypond 2.7.8:
>>>\version "2.7.8"
>>>global = {
>>>      \key f \minor
>>>      \time 4/4
>>>      \set tupletSpannerDuration = #(ly:make-moment 1 4)
>>>      \override TupletBracket  #'bracket-visibility = #'if-no-beam
>>>pianoDroite = \relative c'' {
>>>      \global
>>>      \times 2/3 {<g c ees g>8\p c, des ees f fis g a b c d dis-.} |
>>>pianoGauche = \relative c {
>>>      \global
>>>      \clef bass
>>>      <g g'>4 <ees' g c>8. <ees g c>16 <d g b>4 r |
>>>\score {<<
>>>              \context PianoStaff = "piano" <<
>>>                      \context Staff = upper \pianoDroite
>>>                      \context Staff = lower \pianoGauche
>>>              >>
>>>      >>
>>>2006/1/5, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>>>>Clearly it works in the Regressions test example you refer to, so if you
>>>>more help I recommend you to send a (small but complete) example of what
>>>>you tried yourself, to the mailing list. Also, tell what LilyPond
>>>>version you use.
>>>>  /Mats
>>>>Ludovic Sardain wrote:
>>>>>I'd like to remove the tuplets brackets on a score, and I just don't
>>>>>find in the documentation nor in the list's archives how to do that. I
>>>>>thought that I found something in the page
>>>>>but the command "\override TupletBracket  #'bracket-visibility =
>>>>>#'if-no-beam" does'nt seem to work.
>>>>>Thanks for helping me
>>>>>lilypond-user mailing list
>>>>       Mats Bengtsson
>>>>       Signal Processing
>>>>       Signals, Sensors and Systems
>>>>       Royal Institute of Technology
>>>>       SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>>>>       Sweden
>>>>       Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
>>>>       Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
>>>>       Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>       WWW:
>>        Mats Bengtsson
>>        Signal Processing
>>        Signals, Sensors and Systems
>>        Royal Institute of Technology
>>        SE-100 44  STOCKHOLM
>>        Sweden
>>        Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
>>        Fax:   (+46) 8 790 7260
>>        Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>        WWW:
>lilypond-user-fr mailing list

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