
after having read the documentation of 2.6 I was keen on testing the new
font interface with my own song collection. But as I tried my first
steps with 2.6.3 I found out, that the TeX backend has been disabled by
the debian maintainer.¹ The otf font interface seems to me not very
nice, as I mainly use LaTeX and want my lyrics using exactly the same
font information inside and outside of scores. Using the TeX backend
all necessary work can be done by LaTeX.² 

After recompiling Lilypond I got the tex backend working. The texstr
backend failed to work, but after rewriting some functions I got it to
work. Unfortunately I do not know, if the tex backend honours the
produced text metrics.

As I use diffent languages in the songs I need different font encodings.
But texstr fails with a simple reason: It uses the wrong encodings. As
font encodings for internationalized music sheets are necessary for the
tex backend, I tried to implement a nice way to load the needed font
encodings. But unfortunately I dont know, how to get information about
the font encodings. I don't find any replacement of ly:font-encoding-alist
or of the global font encoding list.

My questions are: 
1. How can I get Information about font encodings in a document?
   I want to define the options to \usepackage[]{fontenc} in
2. How do I get the particular font encoding of a special string to
   write it into the tex(str) file?

I'm prepared to code something and release my enhancements to the
public. As my time is limited, it would be nice if someone can tell me,
at which points I have to hack into the code.

I have a waiting project. And this will decide the question: lilypond or
MusixTeX. As the first is more comfortable, I need a good TeX
integration, which lilypond lacks at the moment.


P.S.: That time I needed for the tex backend, I better invested ito a
      Capella input filter, but the latter is useless for me without the
      first one.
¹ I dont know if Lily (other than TeX backend) still works compiling it
  with libkpathsea4-dev installed, if that library is not installed, but
  it does not get into the dependencies.

² I have implemented it only for \linewidth yet, but from MusixTeX I
  know that it is possible to get the needed information directly from
  TeX and LaTeX.
  Tobias      /                                        |
 Schlemmer   /         Tel.: 01 62 / 7 63 94 35        |
Dipl.-Math. /         http://www.schlemmer.de.tt    
    -.     /           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
      \   /             GnuPG/PGP Public Keys:
       \ /         4A77CEF5 (RSA)  bzw. DF2A703C (DSA)
        '           Jabber: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> ... an die Tafel zu mahlen, ...

Du wirst es nicht glauben, aber auch in der Ostzone war 
Adhäsion bekannt. Niemand war gezwungen, die Tafel auf den 
Boden zu legen um Schriftzeichen zu applizieren, indem er 
kniend mit einer feinen Mühle Kreidestaub verstreute.

                                                           Olaf Meltzer
                                                    in de.comp.text.tex

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