Hello, I'm very new to this and trying to figure out how to get output. I can modify the file I find online and get output, but somehow I'm missing some information to correctly parse a file. I'm trying to find some help in the documentation (both online and in the pdf) and cannot understand what I need to get output.
Here's what I have:
{ /clef treble
\time 2/4
r8 <<d'8 fis'8 g'8>> r8 <<c'8 es'8 as'8>> r8 <<d'8 fis'8 g'8>> r8 <<e'8 f'8 c""8>>


\version "2.6.0"  % necessary for upgrading to future LilyPond versions.

I figured out that I need that last line, but other than that, I don't understand anything.

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