Just give an explicit name to the Voice of the first guitar:
firstGuitar = \context Voice GuitarOne {
then your commented lines should work directly.
For the separate parts, you could mark the lyrics with tags. A simple
alternative is to write out the full \score block for each separate version:
---------- score.ly --------------
\version "2.6.5"
\include "piece.ly"
\score {
\new Staff { << \global \firstGuitar >> }
\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \firstVerse
\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \secondVerse
\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \thirdVerse
\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \fourthVerse
\new Staff { << \global \secondGuitar >> }
------- guitar1.ly ------------------
\version "2.6.5"
\include "piece.ly"
\score {
\new Staff { << \global \firstGuitar >> }
\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \firstVerse
\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \secondVerse
\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \thirdVerse
\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \fourthVerse
However, if you want the lyrics included also in the separate part for
guitar 2, it's a bit more tricky, at least if the rhythm of the second
guitar part does not match the lyrics, since then you don't have anything
in the score that the lyrics could get its rhythm from. I can think of
some more or less ugly hacks to include also guitar one but hide it so
it isn't printed, but maybe someone else on the list have a nice working
solution to propose.
Stephen Torri wrote:
I am playing around with the tag feature so that I can print out a
master score for a piece and the individual instrument music. In order
to follow along on the hymn I want to include the lyrics for all four
verses in the master score and the individual instrument music. Below is
the master lilypond file (piece.ly) and a instrument file (guitar1.ly).
I can print out the master score using score.ly and an instrument using
Any idea of how to insert the lyrics into the score.ly and guitar1.ly
-------- piece.ly --------
\version "2.6.5"
global= {
\time 2/2
\header {
title = "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence"
subtitle = \markup \normal-text \italic "The Lord is in his holy
temple; let all the earth be silent before him. Hab. 2:20"
arranger = "Arr. by Stephen Torri"
% First guitar (regular)
firstGuitar = \new Voice {
\set Staff.instrument = \markup {
% Score
music = {
\tag #'(score guitar1) \new Staff { << \global \firstGuitar >> }
%\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \firstVerse
%\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \secondVerse
%\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \thirdVerse
%\lyricsto "GuitarOne" \new Lyrics \fourthVerse
\tag #'(score guitar2) \new Staff { << \global \secondGuitar >> }
---------- score.ly --------------
%%%%%% guitar1.ly
\version "2.6.5"
\include "piece.ly"
\score {
\new StaffGroup \keepWithTag #'score \music
---------- guitar1.ly ------------
%%%%%% guitar1.ly
\version "2.6.5"
\include "piece.ly"
\score {
\keepWithTag #'guitar1 \music
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Mats Bengtsson
Signal Processing
Signals, Sensors and Systems
Royal Institute of Technology
Phone: (+46) 8 790 8463
Fax: (+46) 8 790 7260
WWW: http://www.s3.kth.se/~mabe
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