The silent notes will sound properly if you terminate the (de)crescendi
with \! before the next dynamic mark... as in
\relative c'' {
c16\p c c c c\< d e f g\!\f g g g g\> f e d c\!\p c c c c4
Anders Kaseorg wrote:
If I run the following simple test of dynamics through lilypond (I've
tried both 2.6.3 and 2.7.22):
\version "2.6.0"
\score {
\relative c'' {
c16\p c c c c\< d e f g\f g g g g\> f e d c\p c c c c4
\midi {}
\layout {}
and play the resulting MIDI file with timidity, all but eight of the
notes are completely silent. (I hear the first five Cs, the first and
last Gs, and the next C.)
Is it just me? I'd be surprised that this kind of a bug would go
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