Don Blaheta wrote:
I have a bunch of questions that arose while setting a song. I've put
up the ly and pdf (run through Lilypond 2.6.4) at
1) Is there any way to make the stanza numbers line up? Virtually every
time I've done stanza numbers, they've looked like this, sometimes worse
(overprinting the start of the line).
For some reason, LilyPond gets confused by your construct
\new Voice {
\relative {
\time 6/4
\key f \major
\context Voice = "refrain" { ...
If you replace \new Voice by \context Voice = refrain in your \score
block, then the alignment of both stanza numbers and syllables is
Also, note that a Lyrics contexts cannot be put within a Staff context.
For some reason it happens to work anyway in your example, but I
have seen strange results from such mishabits.
3) The metadata permitted in \header seems ill-suited for a lot of the
stuff I'm typing in (old churchy stuff, mostly). There is a slot for
"texttranslator", according to the manual, but this is not printed;
there is nothing for the name of the tune (often distinct from the name
of the text), which is often printed in small caps. In other pieces,
there's often notation on scriptural source (which is further distinct
from the lyricist ie "poet") or chant mode or multiple lyricists for
different verses. Which is not to say that lilypond should natively
support all of this, but it would be nice to have an "otherLyricMetadata"
and "otherMusicMetadata" or two
I usually don't bother so much about the names of the different fields.
Often, you can use a field like poet for something else. Note also that
you can easily specify several lines for each field using text markup,
for example
poet = \markup{\column \line {Aaaa Bbbb, v1,3} \line{Cccc Dddd, v2,4 }}
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