I just downloaded lilypond for windows,
it takes about 15sec to launch, and then displays quick dos window that closes 
But it works !).

So I tried the cygwin version, and it is much quicker, and the script lily-wins opens the pdf automatically which is great.

Unfortunately, all text is displayed badly ! (see examples joined) : most letters does not appear which makes the text unreadable. I tried to reinstall the lilypond cygwin package, but it does not change. (I must say that cygwin gives only version 2.6.4-1 compared to windows version which is 2.6.4-5)

I found nothing about this in the (big) online doc.

Thanks for any help on cygwin font, or on windows speed :)

Riccardo Cohen

Les Roches
37230 Fondettes
web = http://www.articque.com
tel: +33 02 47 49 90 49
fax: +33 02 47 49 91 49

Attachment: brazilartic.win.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Attachment: brazilarticcygwin.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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