
trying to use lilypond 2.4 for a songbook, I got into some trouble with some
scheme code.

1. I want to use some other font and input encodings, than those which
   come with lilypond. Would you please add something like 

(define-public (define-encodings e)
   (set! coding-alist
        (append coding-alist
                (map (lambda (x)
                         (cons (car x)
                              (cons (cdr x) (delay (get-coding-from-file
                                                        (cdr x))))))

   to encoding.scm? I think it would be useful even in 2.6 series, as it
   allows a user to develop lilyponds encoding features without changing
   the core files.

2. I want to use a chord naming scheme which is used in several eastern
   German songbooks (G for G major and gm for g minor). But trying to
   adapt one of the so called "examples" from lilypond/*/scm several
   scheme functions are not accessible from inside a .ly file:

        split-at-predicate (lily-library.scm)
        natural-chord-alteration (chord-name.scm)
        markup-join (markup.scm)
        accidental->markup (chord-name.scm)

   Could you please make them public or tell me about replacements


P.S.: I'm planning to make the chord naming public when I'm ready to use
it in an easy way.
  Tobias      /                                        |
 Schlemmer   /         Tel.: 01 62 / 7 63 94 35        |
Dipl.-Math. /         http://www.schlemmer.de.tt    
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Nun so wäre denn endlich die Untersuchung in die Geheimnisse der
Mathematik gehüllt, damit doch ja niemand so leicht wage, sich diesem
Heiligtum zu nähern.

                                            Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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