On 12/2/05, Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> liang seng wrote:
> > Hi, if that works, then it's great. (Since 2.7.19 isn't released yet
> > on Windows, I can't test this).
> > However, for the first rehearsal mark, the need to use the command
> > \override Score.RehearsalMark #'X-offset = #0.0 still means that there
> > is still a bug somewhere. Can it be fixed?
> Why do you consider it a bug? Rehersal marks (at least in their literal
> meaning)
> are normally typeset center aligned over a bar line. I cannot see any
> reason to
> consider it right or wrong that a rehearsal mark at the beginning of a
> line is
> center aligned or left aligned over a time signature or clef or whatever.
> As has already been pointed out earlier, if you look at printed scores
> you will
> probably find that it differs from company to company and from edition to
> edition.

I think I may responsible for making this thread a little confusing.
For some time I've thought it would be a good idea to be able to align
tempo indications right at the start of the piece with the first time
signature in an explicit way (ie, without #'extra-offset).

I worked out the request with HW and sponsored the work as a way of
positioning *marks* in new and better ways ... not because I was
particularly interested in true, boxed rehearsal makes but because I
was (erroneously) thinking of \mark "text" as the way of placing tempo
indications (like "Allegro") at the beginning of the a piece! What I
probably should have done was sponsor new and better ways of
positioning *markup* (rather than *mark*) so that you could say things

  time 2/4^\markup {"Allegro."}

BUT: the good part is that you can now in 2.7.20 say

  time 2/4 \mark "Allegro"

and get beautiful results.

So my mistake: I said "mark" when I should've said "markup"; but the
recent work generalizing the position of marks is, indeed, very much
appreciated and it gives me exactly that ability to position an
initial tempo indication perfectly with an initial time signature (if
in a somewhat unconventional way!).

Trevor Bača
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