> See http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/lilypond-user/2004-08/msg00236.html > for a solution that hopefully can be upgraded to version 2.6. >
The following works: %----- upper = \relative c' { e'1\arpeggio | } lower = \relative c' { e1\arpeggio | } guitarStaffOne = \new Staff \with { \consists Span_arpeggio_engraver } { \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t << \new Voice { \voiceOne \upper } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \lower } >> } \score { \guitarStaffOne \layout {} } %----- But how can I achieve the same result using \context instead of \new ? [I need the capacity to refer to a *named* context (because I set things differently in different files).] I tried the following (but that doesn't work, although it seems to be a reasonable trial): %----- upper = \relative c' { e'1\arpeggio | } lower = \relative c' { e1\arpeggio | } guitarStaffTwo = \context Staff \with { \consists Span_arpeggio_engraver } = "Guitar" { \set Staff.connectArpeggios = ##t << \new Voice { \voiceOne \upper } \new Voice { \voiceTwo \lower } >> } \score { \guitarStaffTwo \layout {} } %----- Gilles _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user